Katy Boyer 
Casper, Wyoming 
May 2006 

I just have to share with you the changes I've noticed since beginning the Liquid Zeolite.  I know there is a lot of information on serious health concerns such as cancer, autism, and fibromyalgia. But what about the regular person ... like me?  Well, removing the toxins from my body has resulted in two changes that I never thought could happen. 

During my teen years, I, like most everyone, had to deal with skin blemishes – not only on my face, but also on my back and shoulders.  Unlike many others, mine have persisted into my thirties.  Didn't matter how clean my face was, I've always dealt with them.  Since starting the liquid zeolite product six weeks ago, I've noticed a reduction in the number, size, and recurrence of the nasty things.  I'm no longer stuck in adolescence!!  
Another area that has been difficult for me is menstrual cramps.  I've had serious cramps my whole life except for a couple of years after I had my daughter – sometimes bad enough they cause me to vomit.  The last few years, the only way to cope was to take three Advil together with two Aleve, two to three times a day the first two days.  So, I wouldn't be wracked with pain, but thinking clearly was out of the question and energy was very lacking.  I was basically a walking half-zombie for at least one day a month. 

Not so last week (April 2006)!  I was pleasantly surprised when the pain never materialized!!  For the first time that I can remember – NO CRAMPS!!!  I was a functional human being instead of the zombie.  It was awesome!  Every woman should be taking the Liquid Zeolite for this reason if no other.

Kathy Reichenbach (writing about her grandson, Braden)

My grandson, age 16, has had a behaviour problem.  His school teacher said, “I don’t want him in my class until he is medicated.”  My daughter put him on Ritalin…. A few weekends ago he came to stay with me.  We gave him 10 drops of liquid zeolite starting Friday night, at 6 PM.   We started giving him 10 drops 4 times a day….

This was a month and a half ago....  His acne is totally gone….

He drinks four 16-oz bottles of water a day.  We have not put him back on the Ritalin. He is much happier now.

Anna Cunningham, age 8
Kauai, Hawaii
November 2005

My name is Anna Cunningham.  I’m eight years old.  I had a wart on my thumb the size of a pencil eraser for about five months.  It was ugly, and I didn’t like it.  I was biting the skin around it, so that the skin around it was pink and raw.  I didn’t like people to see it.

My daddy gave me 4 drops 3 times a day of the Natural Cellular Defense.  Sometimes he’d put it on top of the wart.  Then it got smaller and smaller, and then it was gone.  Now you can’t even see where it was.  That took about two weeks.

There was another bump that was around my fingernail on my other hand.  It was bloody, and a brownish-red color.  It was nasty.  After about three weeks taking the Natural Cellular Defense and putting it on the bump, I peeled it off.  The skin underneath was rosy and healed when it peeled off. 

I like the Natural Cellular Defense.  I put it in my family’s water pitcher in the fridge when my dad went away.  I take it every day because it’s good for me. 

Romy Salazar

I have been suffering from never-healing lesions on both my legs for the past so many years.  Worst of all, I could be very uncomfortable because I was also bothered with a never- ending itchiness on my legs.  On top of that, I cannot wear many of my favorite watches (I love to collect and wear different watches) because they leave me with skin eruptions and itchiness on my wrist. 

I have received different prescriptions from different doctors I have approached about these skin problems.  I was told that I have poor blood circulation as a result. 

I took the NCD as soon as it was available.  AND I saw a dramatic change with my skin problems just after a week of using the NCD.  I noticed that the lesions on both my legs started to dry up, itchiness is gone, and I can now use the different watches I want to wear with no wrist skin eruptions. 

I don't think I will ever stop taking my daily dose of NCD.  Even the scars on my legs are lightening up [so] that I could probably be able to wear shorts now.  Thank you … for introducing NCD; my skin problems are now things of the past.


Don K. 

I took some liquid zeolite [Natural Cellular Defense] at 4 pm.  When I woke up the next morning, I had a mental clarity that I have never had before, and I still have it.  I [was] … exposed to Agent Orange about 30 years ago.

Two nights later, I had a horrible taste in my mouth.  The next morning, I noticed the tumor that was in my mouth for about four years was gone.

A brown recluse spider bit me between the toes 37 years ago.  It left an ulcer like a cold sore that never healed, and I have had athlete’s foot and other infections around it.  On the fourth day, my foot started to itch, and when I looked at it I noticed the ulcer was gone….
Then a herpes cold sore started to form.  It never actually went all the way, but went away and after that I noticed that the constant tension that I always had in my lip was also gone.  I have been exposed to stress since then that normally would bring on a cold sore, and no more have formed.

For years, I felt like something [was] wrong with my body.  I no longer have that feeling.  Instead I have an overall feeling of health.  This stuff really works! Natural Cellular Defense Testimonials