Marie-Aude Preau
April 2006

I have been taking Natural Cellular Defense for the last seven weeks with numerous successful results, and I recently had a wonderful experience.  In my early life, I never had any PMS, and never understood what this really meant, but in the past 10 years, I got my share of pre-menstrual syndrome.  Three to five days prior to my monthly cycle, I would have very angry thoughts and heavy depression.  I felt awful, hating everyone including myself and not being able to control these thoughts – even though I try to keep a healthy lifestyle with exercise, contemplation, and spiritual pursuit.  These thoughts would be my cue in knowing that my cycle was around the corner.

This month, for the first time, I was taken by surprise!  It was only after the fact that I realized I was menstruating.  I was shocked to see that I had no warning of any kind – emotional instability, painful cramps, or awful thoughts.  It was clear then that none of these feelings were me or coming from me, but instead were only the result of being toxic and having being exposed to toxicity and heavy metals that ended up being stored in my body over the years.  

I now know that I have a choice and can live a toxic-free life.  I don't have to store these dangerous metals or pollutants in my body anymore and can lead a healthy lifestyle while being in an increasingly toxic world!

Nancy Ericksen, age 51
Bellevue, Washington 
May 2006

I started taking liquid zeolite around mid-April 2006. Before that, I thought I was pretty normal and in good health even though I had on-going prescriptions for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, acid reflux, and sinus issues.   Denial is pretty insidious! 
I was also diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) when I was 38 years old.  Due to some intensive and specific ADD therapy and biofeedback training, I was able to stop taking medication for that about 10 years ago.  However, when I get too stressed out, a lot of the symptoms resurface. 

However, with all those things going on, they didn't bother me as much as another problem – my menstrual periods.  They've been abnormal all my life.  There would be at least one day each month when I'd wish I was dead due to horrendous cramps.  I was so miserable, lying in the fetal position – in excruciating pain – sometimes for three days in row.  Through the years, I tried many natural remedies, over-the-counter drugs, and prescriptions, but nothing really helped. 
A lot of jokes are made about PMS (pre-menstrual symptoms), but neither PMS nor my period were amusing when I was in the midst of experiencing them.  My husband usually knew that my period was coming on before I did, since my symptoms would rear their ugly head and change my personality dramatically – and especially toward him. 

After starting liquid zeolite, my first flow was extremely heavy.  It also came as a surprise, since there were none of the symptoms I'm used to experiencing prior to my periods, such as headaches, lower back pain, sleepiness, and the horrendously crabby attitude.  I've been peri-menopausal for the past couple years, so it wasn't that unusual to have a heavy period.  However, when there was heavy bleeding in the past, it was always accompanied by debilitating cramps that were worse than normal.  This time, I kept waiting for them to start, but instead, I had no cramps at all!  That was the most amazing news for me – the cramps were gone!  Another strange side effect was that my flow had a heavy metallic odor that I'd never experienced before. 

I've been plagued with depression for quite a while, but it had gotten much worse in the past two years.  Although I'd attempted several behavioral changes to make myself get up and stay out of bed, I'd always revert back to my old ways unless I had an appointment of some kind. When my husband was away on a trip, I was totally unmotivated to do much of anything other than sleep and lie around.  Because of liquid zeolite, I've now weaned myself off of my anti-anxiety pills and no longer have to take my acid reflux medication because I feel so good.  My husband noticed that change even after my first day of taking the drops.  He thought I seemed so much more "happy."  It felt great to know that I wasn't the only one noticing a difference!  I wake up each day now with purpose.  I get up and stay up as soon as I wake up.  I'm excited to work on different projects – especially my home. 

I don't know how to explain the feeling – it's not euphoria – it's just a feeling of well being.  I actually feel motivated and energized.  What a switch!  I can't wait to get tested and see if there's been a change in my cholesterol and blood pressure numbers!  This product is awesome!  Thank you!

Katy Boyer 
Casper, Wyoming 
May 2006 

I just have to share with you the changes I've noticed since beginning the Liquid Zeolite.  I know there is a lot of information on serious health concerns such as cancer, autism, and fibromyalgia. But what about the regular person ... like me?  Well, removing the toxins from my body has resulted in two changes that I never thought could happen. 

During my teen years, I, like most everyone, had to deal with skin blemishes – not only on my face, but also on my back and shoulders.  Unlike many others, mine have persisted into my thirties.  Didn't matter how clean my face was, I've always dealt with them.  Since starting the liquid zeolite product six weeks ago, I've noticed a reduction in the number, size, and recurrence of the nasty things.  I'm no longer stuck in adolescence!!  
Another area that has been difficult for me is menstrual cramps.  I've had serious cramps my whole life except for a couple of years after I had my daughter – sometimes bad enough they cause me to vomit.  The last few years, the only way to cope was to take three Advil together with two Aleve, two to three times a day the first two days.  So, I wouldn't be wracked with pain, but thinking clearly was out of the question and energy was very lacking.  I was basically a walking half-zombie for at least one day a month. 

Not so last week (April 2006)!  I was pleasantly surprised when the pain never materialized!! For the first time that I can remember – NO CRAMPS!!!  I was a functional human being instead of the zombie.  It was awesome!  Every woman should be taking the Liquid Zeolite for this reason if no other. Natural Cellular Defense Testimonials