Natural Cellular Defense Testimonials HEPATITIS C

Ken Cunningham, age 72
Cincinnati, Ohio
May 2006
In mid-February, I started taking Natural Cellular Defense (15 drops 4x/day) and switched to a raw organic diet. My results have been nothing short of mind blowing. In 10 weeks, I’ve reversed my high blood pressure and diabetes, and I’m also in the process of reversing my hepatitis C.  
One week after I began taking NCD, I noticed that my blood pressure started to drop. You don’t want your blood pressure to go over 130, but I could never get mine that low. It was almost always over 150. After I started on NCD, it started to decrease and is always below 130 now, which means that I don’t have high blood pressure anymore. 

My blood sugar also dropped. The normal range for a diabetic is between 90 and 120. Mine was always above 120, except if I couldn’t eat for a few hours, in which case it would drop below 90 and I would feel violently ill. I would have to stop at a neighborhood store or anyplace I could and buy a banana or a candy bar and eat it, just to get my blood sugar up. I was not insulin-dependent, but I was taking Glucophage twice a day. I noticed that in that same week after I started on NCD, my blood sugar started going down. It’s now stabilized right around the 70s and 80s, which means that I’m not a diabetic anymore.

I also had the worst kind of hepatitis. It’s the least able to be cured. The normal range for liver enzymes is from 0 to 5,000. The enzymes in my liver were 1,700,000. That’s right – 1,700,000. I was in stage two of liver cirrhosis. I may have picked up hepatitis C when I was in the Coast Guard. I was in search and rescue, and we used to pick up dead bodies at sea without wearing protective clothing. My doctor at the VA hospital has been trying to get me to take interferon, which is very unsatisfactory. You have to take shots every week, plus it’s long term, and makes you feel like you’ve got the flu. Then it’s effective in only 40 percent of cases. So I knew that I didn’t have many options. I had to stop screwing around with my diet and take the NCD, or I’d have to have a liver transplant and then take lots of medication for the rest of my life.

About two weeks after starting on NCD, my enzymes started to drop. They soon dropped almost 90 percent to 184,000. I maintained the diet and the NCD, and a few weeks later, they decreased to 5,700. My VA doctor has told me that he will be shocked if I am able to get my enzyme count below 5,000. My target by mid-September is to have them down between 600 and 1,000, without taking interferon. 

As if all this wasn’t enough, I’ve also lost 35 pounds, and I needed to lose weight. I feel absolutely fantastic now. I have so much energy. I’m interested in work, in play, in sex. I don’t take any medication any more, either for high blood pressure or for diabetes. Any one of these results would have been a gift, but to have all these outcomes, particularly at my age, is a full-blown miracle.

Peter Fullwood, age 55 
Whidbey Island, Washington 

I became aware that I had hepatitis C through a medical procedure in March of 2000.  At that time, I had a low viral count and a low enzyme count.  Over the years, I started catching more and more flus and colds, my joints were aching, and my legs were tired all the time.  I became very depressed and withdrawn from people.  It has been a very difficult time for me. 

In these last four years of my life, my wife died, and I lost our 100-acre ranch.  I went to the doctors and they started treating me for hepatitis C with Interferon.  At that point, I got sicker and sicker and lost weight – going from 198 to 159 pounds.  I’m 6’ 1”, so I was down to skin and bones and was bedridden.  I was unable to eat due to being nauseous all the time.  Severe depression, anxiety, homicidal and suicidal thoughts set in.  I was crying all the time. 

I had a floor and wall covering business with four employees – I was so sick I had to lay them off and walk from my business … actually it was more like crawling away!  

At that point, I had almost given up when my friend … came over and introduced me to the supplement, Natural Cellular Defense.  I had tried so many products … and I felt like I had heard it all, and so I was skeptical.  However, I decided I wanted to try this one due to my friend’s enthusiasm – she was bubbling over.  Although she has also been suffering from hepatitis C, there were obvious changes in her physical appearance and overall health and attitude.  I didn’t have the money to even try one bottle, but she offered to leave me a bottle because she cares about me and she said, “That’s what friends are for.”  I started with the product that evening – 10 drops 3 times a day.  

Words can’t describe what I experienced even the first few days.  That first day, I sweated a lot, and felt like I was peeing out 90-weight oil.  That evening, I sweated profusely – it was as if someone had thrown buckets of water under the blankets on me.  The next few days, I started detoxing through my natural bodily functions.  I don’t wish to offend anyone by getting too graphic, but suffice it to say the strange smells and colors that came out of me were quite unusual! 

Next, it started working on my mental faculties, and for me that was truly magic (it is still happening).  The depression, anxiety, homicidal and suicidal tendencies vanished – in its place have appeared a very strong sense of spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.  I feel like I’ve had a complete metamorphosis in my life and have not felt this good in 20 years. 
I keep asking myself, “Can I actually continue feeling better and better every day?”  After just one week, I was feeling much better and had considerable energy, so I started to lay some floors again so I could purchase some more of this product. 

My joints no longer ache, and the metal plate in my left forearm that used to ache all the time (especially in the cold) is no longer a problem – even in the cold.  I also am healing faster.  For example, yesterday I burned myself some time around noon while tending my fireplace.  The burn was 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch square. It had a blister and had begun to scab over last night.  Now it is pink – it has healed in just one day!  

Just the other day, I went to the lab for blood work, and when looking over the results my doctor said, “Your liver functions are only mildly abnormal.”  A little over two weeks ago, I had been a candidate for a liver transplant with a severely swollen and sick liver (again, I have only been on the product a couple of weeks). 

As a result of my remarkable experience with this new “lease on life,” I am now wanting to change the focus of my life work from helping people by installing their flooring, to helping save people’s lives … taking part in the giving of the gift of good health.