Natural Cellular Defense TestimonialsHEAVY METAL POISONING

Dr. Peter Prociuk
March 2006

There was a lady who was in her third trimester of pregnancy, who brought her two year old to my office.  She had received a flu vaccine that contained 25 micrograms of thimerosal during the pregnancy, and after the vaccine she noticed less fetal movement than before.  Because NCD has this tremendous safety rating, I suggested she take it.  She started taking 10 drops 3x day and, for a week, every time she took NCD, she felt a little bit queasy, she felt heat moving through her body for a couple of hours, and her urine became rather rancid during that time.  After about a week, these reactions stopped occurring, she felt noticeably better, and the movements of the baby were also noticeably increased.  That was enormously gratifying.  I think it’s pretty safe to say that that child’s developmental curve at this point is going to be markedly different had the mother not received the NCD.  To undertake heavy metal removal any other way during pregnancy would raise some really major concerns, which I didn’t have using the NCD.

Bonnie G. 
June 2006

… My list of symptoms begins like this:  I was born in 1970 as a preemie with failure to thrive … [and] with a connective tissue disease called Stickler Syndrome.  Around the age of seven through my teen years, I began to struggle with such things as stomach aches, headaches, allergies (the doctors wanted to put me on steroids but my parents chose not to), asthma, fatigue, eczema, insomnia, muscle pain, arthritis, fainting spells, and chemical sensitivities that have worsened to the point that I am confined to my home in order to survive.  The list goes on ….  I can remember around the age of 17 one night I passed out twice in a matter of minutes all by myself on the cement floor in our basement.  I was so afraid because I did not know what was wrong with me.  I really thought I was dying.  Unfortunately, there were many times when not even my family could understand how sick I felt. 

It was around this time that my parents began to seek alternative methods of treatment. After seven years of different kinesiologists, strict healthy dieting, at times 75-90 supplements a day, and thousands of dollars, I still did not have any answers!

Through my adult years, my symptoms only grew worse.  In 1999, I had pectus
excavatum surgery because my ribcage was sunken in and was crushing my heart.  It became very difficult to find any "good" days to grasp on to.  I was experiencing heart palpations, chronic insomnia. (I would go for three days at a time and finally fall asleep for three hours.)  I lived with a level 8 or higher headache that would not got away no matter what I took.  I lived with debilitating pain in my ribs, back and muscles!  As a wife and mother of four children, I did not even have enough energy to perform the menial tasks of the day.

Any attempts to exercise only left me with increased pain that lasted for days!  I was on sleeping pills, pain pills, and anti-depressants.  It was during this time that I even contemplated suicide.  It is no wonder!!  When the quality of one's life is so minimal, you begin to wonder if your life really is a life, and how is it worth even getting out of bed in the morning when your day is filled with pain and sheer exhaustion!!!!!!!!!!!  I went to multiple specialists and medical doctors but was never given any answers.

It was around this time that God directed me to the care of a wonderful chiropractor. Under weekly and bi-weekly care for about four years, I was seeing much improvement.  I was finally off of all my drugs and was able to eliminate a lot of the pain.  My headache had subsided but was still there.  After feeling myself improve, I was encouraged until this last year when everything began to go backwards again!!!  As bad as backwards was, I was so afraid that if I went back to how life was at my worst I would not survive this time.

I had swollen lymph nodes in my head, arms, breasts, and neck that had reached the point where they would never go down.  I was so highly sensitive to chemicals that it was becoming impossible to even leave my home without suffering the consequences.  I had the horrible realization that on top of everything else, something was not working right with my mind.  I was having difficulty playing the piano, relaying information, speaking without stumbling over my words, and I began struggling with extreme, unexplained outbursts of anger!!

… My chiropractor mentioned the possibility of heavy metal toxicity.  I began to do my research….  I had grown up within 15 miles of two nuclear power plants and multiple paper mill industries.  The area where I grew up is also known as being number one in the nation for people developing MS!!  And, it is very high on the list for brain cancer.  

My suspicions were confirmed with the help of a hair analysis, which definitely revealed … heavy metals, including mercury and uranium, in my body.  Not long after I made an appointment to have my mouthful of mercury fillings replaced.  I knew I had to find a successful means of chelating these heavy metals out of my body and organs, thus the search began.  How I thank God for the day one of my children's Sunday school teachers told me about NCD.  Three days later, I took my first dose!

I began taking NCD one week prior to having my fillings removed.  I noticed results immediately.  I would have to describe my experience to what I can only imagine a butterfly might feel like as he is emerging from its cocoon and experiencing life for the first time!!! … I noticed that I began sleeping heavier and waking up earlier because I was well rested.  For the first time in almost 30 years I felt like eating breakfast, and I did so without becoming ill.

….  I began to feel like I could venture out of the "bubble" I had tried to create at home. I am finding out what it truly means to live life to the fullest….  I have so much energy my husband cannot keep up with me, and he is not a lazy person!!  I have not had one "bad" day since I have been taking liquid zeolite!!

My family is shocked by the results, and they are all in the process of ordering their own zeolite….  Instead of a bundle of nerves, I have a calmness about me.  My lymph nodes are no longer swollen, and I have not had a single headache in the first month of taking liquid zeolite.  I can now go to other people's homes without becoming sick from the chemicals in their homes….
I am no longer crippled with pain.  The only time I feel the pain coming back is if I miss a dose or go too many hours in between doses.  I am going to aerobic classes, movies, baseball games, spending my time outside, dreaming of going on vacations instead of dreading them!!!! ….  This is a lifestyle that I never imagined I could be experiencing!!  NCD has done more than change my life.  It has given me a life!!!!!!!!!!

Karuna Thal 
Kauai, Hawaii

I have been taking the Natural Cellular Defense at the rate of 10 drops three times a day for four weeks now.  In general, I feel more light and clear in my body and mind.  Instead of needing eight hours of sleep a night, after six hours I am waking rested, energetic, and clear.

After a week taking NCD, I noticed that after three hours of hard exercise that would normally make me stiff and sore, I had no muscle soreness whatsoever.  I have experienced this a number of times with different activities.  Last week, I weed-whacked buffalo grass for an hour.  Normally my forearm muscles would be very sore after weed whacking, and my back would be a little sore.  I was very surprised the next day to wake up and feel no soreness in my arms at all – not even a little bit!  A few days ago I put on my brand new roller blades, and skated for the first time in years.  I could feel my muscles getting worked in a way they weren’t used to, and thought they would be very sore the next day.  Again, to my surprise, my legs weren’t sore at all the next day.

This was an unexpected benefit from the Natural Cellular Defense.  It got me thinking about all the people who take anti-inflammatory drugs, which are toxic to the liver, for aches and pains.  It’s so much better to be pulling the acid toxins out of the body so that a little extra lactic acid causes no pain!

Another thing I’m experiencing is increased mental clarity and less “fuzzy brain.”  … I’ve often experienced what I call “fuzzy brain,” which is a mild headache that lasts until mid afternoon.  When that happens, I can feel inflammation around my brain stem and in my head, which is triggered by eating something that I am sensitive to.  Also I feel stiff and achy in my body when this occurs.

This began to occur after I absorbed a large amount of mercury from a mercury spill into our local neighborhood water supply.  As I take the NCD, this inflammatory response that has bothered me for six years now has diminished greatly, and is practically gone.  I am very grateful to have a safe, effective way of pulling metals and other toxins out of my body daily in a way that I can feel the effect.