Guidelines for Using NCD Guidelines for Using Natural Cellular Defense
By Gabriel Cousens, M.D., M.D. (H)
These guidelines are not intended as a substitute for medical advice.
Please consult your physician if you have questions about using Natural Cellular Defense
while taking medication or undergoing medical treatment.
Drink Plenty of Water
In general, you will need to drink more water than usual when taking Natural Cellular Defense (NCD). The heavy metals that NCD removes from the body carry a positive charge, which allows your body to hold more water. As these toxins are eliminated through sweat, mucus, urine, and feces, water will be eliminated with them.
How much water should you drink each day? As a general rule, drink ½ ounce for each pound of body weight. A 140-pound woman should drink about 70 ounces of water daily. Although the directions on the bottle suggest placing NCD directly on the tongue, many users prefer to place the drops in an 8-ounce glass of water so as to help ensure sufficient hydration. If you are on a diuretic, start with a very low dose of NCD and drink extra water. If you live in a dry climate where dehydration is an issue, drink even more water than usual.    
Recommended Dosages
Because zeolite stays active in the body for five to seven hours, you need to take a dose approximately every six hours to have NCD continuously circulating in your system. NCD is not toxic at higher levels and has GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status from the FDA. However, it is important to be aware of proper dosing. A small percentage of people are sensitive and experience a healing crisis with detoxification symptoms when they start using NCD. To reduce the possibility of that occurring, it is prudent to begin taking a smaller number of drops and build up gradually to the dosage you want to take. For example, if you are a new user and want to begin taking the detoxification dose, start with 3 to 4 drops 3x/day, with water, and gradually increase to 10 to 15 drops 3x/day. It is important to note that taking more than 15 drops at a time may trigger a healing crisis with detoxification symptoms.
Maintenance dose: 3 to 5 drops 3 x/day, increasing the amount if ever there is a viral, chemical, or other exposure. A bottle of NCD contains 300 drops and will last 20 to 33 days.
Detoxification dose: 10 to 15 drops 3 x/day for six to eight weeks. If you are a new user, build up to this dosage gradually, as explained above. A bottle of NCD will last approximately a week to 10 days. Unless you have a severe health problem, this is the initial dosage that most of our adult clients take. After six to eight weeks, begin taking a maintenance dose. Dr. Cousens recommends repeating the detoxification dose as often as twice a year.
For severe health challenges: 2 to 3 drops per hour, with water, and 8 drops at bedtime. We are finding this to be the most effective dose. If this schedule cannot be maintained, take 15 drops 3 to 4 x/day. Many users have found adding the fourth dose at bedtime to be helpful. A bottle of NCD will last approximately five days to a week. It is recommended that new users start with 1 to 2 drops per hour and slowly increase to 3 drops an hour over a period of days or even weeks.
For children: 2 or 3 drops 3 x/day, depending on body weight and health. A good detoxification dose for a 50-pound child is 3 drops 3 x/day. Use less as a maintenance dose. For a mid-day dose for children going to school, some parents put a few drops in lunch-box food or drink.
For animals: 2 or 3 drops daily on food. Your animals will want to drink more, so make sure to have plenty of fresh water available for them.
Other Uses
Topical: Many people have reported that NCD is effective in helping skin problems such as irritations, rashes, warts, insect bites, and lumps on or under the skin. To use it topically, place a drop of NCD on the affected area 3 or 4 x/day and cover with a band-aid to keep the skin moist, or add it to a skin oil or cream. For larger areas, dilute NCD with pure water and apply using a spray bottle. Users have also reported relief of discomfort by massaging NCD into areas of soreness. Anecdotal reports suggest that adding a few drops of NCD to skin lotion and other topical products appears to enhance their effectiveness.
Eyes: There is anecdotal evidence that NCD helps with problems such as styes. A drop or two can be placed on the eye or eyelid, or diluted with pure water and sprayed on. When applied to the eye, NCD may sting at first.
Ears: Some parents have found NCD useful in relieving children’s earache symptoms. One or more drops can be placed directly into the ear.
Teeth and gums: Users have reported relief of gum and tooth discomfort (including the discomfort of teething in babies) by putting drops of NCD onto the gums in the affected area.
Contraindications and Precautions
NCD is contraindicated for anyone taking a medication containing heavy metals (such as lithium) or platinum (which is found in some cancer medications). NCD may remove from the body supplemental lithium and the chemotherapy agents cisplatin and carboplatin, both of which contain platinum. It appears to be safe to begin or resume taking NCD 3 days after using cisplatin and carboplatin. NCD can be used while taking other chemotherapy drugs. If you wish to use NCD while taking lithium, consult your physician.
If you are an insulin-dependent diabetic, be aware that NCD may lower your need for insulin.
The activity of NCD is entirely passive. It will not attack hip replacements, breast implants, or dental fillings. However, because of the possibility of mercury vapor in the mouth, it is prudent for people with mercury fillings to use NCD as follows: put the drops in a glass of water, take a sip to swish around in the mouth and spit out, and then drink the rest through a straw.
Detoxification Symptoms
When they begin taking NCD, some users experience detoxification symptoms, such as headache, diarrhea, tiredness, or overall achiness. After initial detoxification, most people report feeling better than ever. If you experience strong detoxification symptoms, you should discontinue using NCD until the symptoms pass, and then resume taking it at a lower dose, gradually increasing the number of drops until you reach the dosage you want to take.
While some people report that they have greatly increased energy when they begin to take NCD, others feel tired while detoxifying. If you do, take naps if possible or go to bed earlier. If that is not possible, you should decrease your dosage. The body does deep healing during sleep, so get at least eight hours of sleep whenever possible.
As a detoxifier, NCD has a hierarchy of affinities. It attracts mercury, cadmium, lead, and arsenic first, and then eliminates other toxins from the body. Lighter metals such as calcium and magnesium have only a minor affinity, and NCD does not remove them. If your body is burdened with a heavy toxic load, a fair amount of these toxins may need to be removed before you notice a shift in how you feel. Pay attention to small changes.
Once the zeolite in NCD absorbs a toxin, that toxin will not go back into your body tissues because it is fully excreted without any damage or stress to the kidneys. Many people have found that detoxifying with NCD is much easier than it is with other common detoxification methods.
© Gabriel Cousens, M.D., M.D. (H), Diplomate of the American Board of Holistic Medicine, Diplomate of Ayurevda, and Director of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center