Natural Cellular Defense Testimonials FLU, COLDS, AND RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS

Lynn Harrisberger (writing about her stepmother, Delora)
September 2005 

On August 15th, I shared the information on NCD (Natural Cellular Defense) with my dad.  I knew he would want to give NCD to his wife, Delora, who went through a bout of breast cancer last year, 2004.  Delora had one breast removed during her bout with cancer.  She also went through radiation and chemotherapy.  Before the cancer and now afterwards, her main health problem has been and still is emphysema.  Her constant companion has been an oxygen canister, which she carries with her everywhere she goes. 
After only four days of taking 6 to 9 NCD drops 3x daily ... Delora has been able to move around (walk) more and become a bit more active than before ... and even leave the oxygen bottle behind while she is doing so.  She is excited about the improvement and looks forward to even better days now.

Jim Pirtle (written about Jim by a friend)

I had a friend in MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas with leukemia, and he was coughing continuously from pneumonia….

Last Thursday he started taking 15 drops three times a day of the Natural Cellular Defense product.  The first day he completely stopped coughing.  The doctor said, “Do not stop the drops.”  He left the hospital today in remission and is now an out patient. He will continue the 
drops faithfully.

Bob Dilworth

A funny thing has happened to me.  My immune system has been extremely weak the last couple of years.  After age 65, it seemed I was getting my share and everyone else's share of colds and sore throats.  When I noticed that liquid zeolite [NCD] supported a healthy immune system, I immediately started taking it.

Over the last three months of rain and unusual coldness in the Pacific Northwest, I have not come down with any cold or flu-like symptoms, even though I have been in close contact with friends and grandchildren who had colds, flu, and upper respiratory problems.  When I start feeling that something is trying to grab me, I immediately drop three drops on my tongue and swallow.  And when I swallow, my throat seems to immediately react favorably to the drops.

Although I take liquid zeolite three times a day, I sense that the bedtime dosage and early morning dosage is most effective for me. 

I am quite skeptical by nature, but this stuff is all it's cracked up to be.  I am a believer!

Dr. France, D.C. (writing about a patient)
Clearwater, Florida

A lady has been suffering for a few days of nasal congestion, runny nose, had lost her voice, and her chest was congested.  She took 10 drops of a liquid zeolite [NCD] in the morning, and by the afternoon her voice was back, her nose was cleared, and three days later her chest was completely normal.  Also, for the first time in years, she was able to have a daily bowel movement.