Natural Cellular Defense Testimonials AUTISM

Peter Prociuk, M.D.
March 2006

I have about 30 or 40 children who have autism on NCD.  Of these, there is only one child where there is no clear response.

I hear reports from a significant number of parents about the changes they are seeing in their children, such as being able to get rid of the helmet for a child who had to be helmeted, the inactive child becoming active, the non-verbal child becoming verbal, the child who was spinning who’s stopped spinning, improvements in attention span and fine-motor activities. I would say I’m hearing results like that where you see a pretty quick response, or pretty quick evidence of detoxification, in probably three-quarters of the children. That’s off the top of my head, but I’m getting really positive feedback.

I have one older child on NCD, and that’s the one who hasn’t responded.  But he was severely affected, and whether he responds in the future remains to be seen.  His mother is definitely in it for the long haul.  Most of the children – I would say 98-99 percent – are under the age of seven and, as I’ve said, the vast majority of them seem to be progressing very nicely.

The toxins in these children, in my opinion, have originated largely from over-vaccination.  I started using NCD in this particular group in early December [2005], and I’ve been extremely impressed with the results.  In terms of its ability to remove heavy metals, I think it far exceeds what conventional chelating agents have to offer.  NCD has none of the toxic or depletion issues that chelating agents are known to have, and my personal opinion is that in a fairly short period of time it will become the state of the art method of heavy metal and toxin removal.

One girl, in my opinion, was primarily affected by the MMR vaccine.  She was torpedoed at the age of three by the MMR, she regressed remarkably, slowly recovered, and then was re-vaccinated at the age of five last August, and that caused a catastrophic regression.  That child had no evidence, to my assessment, of heavy metal involvement, and her measles titers were extremely high. I think they were five or six times the upper limit of normal.  It was pretty clear to me that she was affected more by the biologic aspect of the vaccine than the heavy metals, and her symptoms were incredible hyperactivity.  After about two or three weeks on the zeolite, she was notably less hyperactive according to both her parents and her school teacher.  

The most challenging issues I think for anyone actively dealing with autism are the refractory cases.  There are cases in which you use all the dietary modifications, all the supplements that promote detoxification, and these children don’t budge at all.  Those are the most disheartening and frustrating cases for the clinician, and obviously especially for the parents.  I have two such cases, who didn’t respond to transdermal DNPS and a vast array of nutritional supplementation and dietary modification, but who have definitely responded to NCD.  From the onset, on NCD, they both showed signs of detoxification.  That was evidenced by increased lethargy, nausea, vomiting in one case, and also an aggravation of their symptoms.  Sometimes, when you start chelating, the children will become more hyperactive or aggressive, and you have to adjust the process accordingly.  That happened very quickly with both of these refractory cases.  We adjusted the dose of NCD and, since then, both of them have shown clear signs of improvement in terms of focus, eye contact, and overall level of hyperactivity. Those are the most satisfying cases. 

My approach is to first make sure that the nutritional status is improved.  Typically, I’ll start off with making some dietary adjustments, including probiotics and some nutritional support, and do that for a least a month or so prior to starting any active detoxification.  My experience is that the children respond and handle it better as their GI function, diet, and nutritional status are improved.

In terms of dosage, these children are metabolically pretty fragile, so I always start off very low.  By low, I mean perhaps 2 drops of NCD twice a day and gradually work up.  Depending on the size of the child, most of them top out at about 5 drops 3 times a day. Some will get up to 10 drops.  What I do is continue to increase the dose perhaps every three days or so, depending on the reaction, until there is a clear sign that detoxification is occurring – in terms of increased hyperactivity, nausea, loss of appetite, something that tells me that detoxification is occurring.  At that point, I might skip a dose or possibly two, until that reaction settles down, and then resume at the previous lower dose.  Then I hold there for perhaps a couple of weeks, and then try and increase again.  So I go in a slow, gradual-step manner.  I don’t think there is any benefit stressing these children out physiologically or the parents emotionally in pushing the detox.  If it takes a little longer, I think the benefit of that approach outweighs pushing through a detox reaction and causing a big upheaval in the children’s systems and their parents’ lives. 

I have been using NCD for about three or four months, and so far I’m extremely pleased – with what the parents are telling me, from what I know about heavy metals, and also really importantly with the fact that the depletion of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and selenium is not an issue with NCD.  For me that is really important. 

The other issue is cost.  Typically a month of transdermal DNPS, for example, can cost between $100 and $150, depending on what you use, in addition to the periodic testing that is required.  These children typically don’t require very much of the NCD, and the cost for the parents can be one-third to one-half the cost of DNPS.  That is also an obvious benefit.

Chester and Christine Green (writing about their son Camron)

My son Camron has been diagnosed as autistic since he was two years old and had stopped talking at that time.  Camron is now six years old and he is an affectionate, smart, playful boy. However, he continued to have problems communicating, and overall interacting with others.
The school has been working with him and we had made some progress.  Camron had difficulty sitting for long periods of time as well.  He had also had stomach problems where he would not eat or become constipated often.  It is common in some autistic children to get a condition called “leaky gut” and although we never had him diagnosed for this, Camron was displaying some symptoms by having various stomach issues. 

We were introduced to NCD through a friend and business associate….  He told us he had been using an all natural supplement that safely and effectively removes toxins from the body and he wanted us to try it because it had worked so well for him.  

I immediately thought of Camron because we knew that autism could be caused by metals or toxins in the body and since we believed this to be the case with Camron we decided to try it…. 

Since taking the NCD (we started Camron on 6 drops 3 times a day), we have been told that Camron can sit for 45 minutes to do class work, is talking more and interacting more with others.  He will repeat words back, which is building up his vocabulary.  I can hardly keep up with the things he says now because he is observing and imitating the things he sees others do.
As soon as he started taking NCD, his eating habits automatically improved.  Camron has been known to be a pretty good eater so when he would not eat much or not at all on a particular day, we knew that something was wrong.  Before he would … even skip lunch at school sometimes. 

With the NCD he has a healthy appetite again and no more stomach pains or problems.  We are so grateful to have been introduced to NCD.  Not only did Camron not have any bad reaction to it, it is odorless and tasteless so we would put it in any drink or food without Camron knowing.  This worked out perfectly because Camron is very sensitive to certain food texture and will not eat or drink anything that tastes “funny” to him.  We really enjoy the product and will continue to use it for the overall health of Camron and our family.