Natural Cellular Defense Testimonials ADDICTION

Karuna Thal, holistic health consultant (writing about Catherine, whose testimonial follows)
Kauai, Hawaii

I have waited three months to submit this young woman's testimonial – wanting to make sure it was for real.  It is.  This has huge implications especially here on Kauai, were Ice is an enormous problem with young people.  We are also seeing people quickly lose their cravings for sugar, alcohol, and tobacco.   

ADDICTION TO ICE (crystal methamphetamine)
Catherine, age 20
Kauai, Hawaii

When I started taking liquid zeolite [NCD], I was still using ice (crystal methamphetamine).  Part of me was trying to break through and be healthy.  I could feel the zeolite running inside me and washing the bad away, purifying impurities that were in me.

The physical cravings started to go away.  Emotionally, the zeolite made me stable.  Using the drug comes from insecurity of something in life, and trying to make everything else go away.  The zeolite made me not have the need to be insecure and need the drug.  It stabilized something I was missing – physically and emotionally.

Now I don’t need the drug at all.  The zeolite makes me feel really good.  My energy and skin are better.  So are my feelings, and my mind.  I don’t know what it is exactly.

The liquid zeolite helped it be so much easier to come off drugs...  I didn’t have any withdrawal symptoms getting off the ice.  I was in denial about a lot of things in my life that were going on....  Sleep and eating habits are all different when you do drugs or alcohol.

Liquid zeolite brings you back to how good things really are – nutrients in food, for example.  I feel like I’m getting everything thing I need. 

Usually people gain weight getting off drugs.  I didn’t.  I didn’t sleep or eat more than I needed to.  I didn’t crave candies.  Before, when I was coming down, I’d crave candy.  Before it would sustain me until I had my next fix.   I don’t crave candy at all now.

I gained weight when I was using because I was eating all the wrong things.  My cravings were wrong.  Now I crave healthy sugars like papayas, mangos, and watermelon.  Things like candy don’t taste good to me any more.  The zeolite has helped me so much.  I’ve been taking it about three months now.  Now I crave the zeolite.


Don K. 

I took some liquid zeolite [Natural Cellular Defense] at 4 pm.  When I woke up the next morning, I had a mental clarity that I have never had before, and I still have it.  I [was] … exposed to Agent Orange about 30 years ago.

Two nights later, I had a horrible taste in my mouth.  The next morning, I noticed the tumor that was in my mouth for about four years was gone.

A brown recluse spider bit me between the toes 37 years ago.  It left an ulcer like a cold sore that never healed, and I have had athlete’s foot and other infections around it.  On the fourth day, my foot started to itch, and when I looked at it I noticed the ulcer was gone….
Then a herpes cold sore started to form.  It never actually went all the way, but went away and after that I noticed that the constant tension that I always had in my lip was also gone.  I have been exposed to stress since then that normally would bring on a cold sore, and no more have formed.

For years, I felt like something [was] wrong with my body.  I no longer have that feeling.  Instead I have an overall feeling of health.  This stuff really works!

Setara (writing about her father-in-law) 

… A good friend … began telling me about liquid zeolite [Natural Cellular Defense] last year….  Several months prior, my father-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer.  He is 72 years old.  He has never smoked and believes the cancer is from Agent Orange, as he was a pilot in the Vietnam War.  I urged my child's father for months to approach his parents about the zeolite.  He was very skeptical and would not consider it.  Grampa went through quite a bit of endless chemo and radiation, all the while growing weaker and sicker.  I continued to push trying zeolite; the family didn't want me to tell the grandparents and had a very negative attitude about it.  

My child and I began taking small doses of zeolite.  After months of chemo/radiation, the doctors said that the cancer had spread to Grampa’s spine and hip, and that he now had six months to live; … the family accepted this.  This is when I told my child's father that he had to talk to his parents about the zeolite, there was no other option. As soon as we told Gramma, she handed me her credit card.  

Grampa began taking the highest dose and has only improved since.  He has cut his pain medication intake by half and is slowly gaining weight and an appetite.  The chemo and cancer took a lot out of him, and he is 72, but he improves every day and gives the credit to zeolite.  He says he can feel it helping his body.  He has made no diet changes, and actually eats a lot of unhealthy foods.  He has been taking zeolite for 2 1/2 weeks.  His children are bringing their children to say goodbye to him, still not having any faith in the zeolite.  I only wish I had photographs and his testimonial.  He wants to live out his life back in his homeland of Laos, now it looks like he can.  What this mineral zeolite has done for our family is wonderful….  I would tell anyone who is faced with this to try it.